Assembly Bill Number 2148 amended Section 14013 of the Unemployment Insurance Code to require CWDB to develop an annual workforce metrics dashboard. The workforce metrics dashboard must include a standardized set of inputs and outputs; use statistically rigorous methodologies to estimate, assess, and isolate the impact of programs on participant outcomes; and measure the state’s human capital investments in workforce development using data collected by and accessible to various state agencies.

To satisfy these requirements, CWDB initiated the CAAL-Skills program and has produced the Workforce Metric Dashboard Report (WMDR). To fulfill the mandate of producing a statistically rigorous impact analysis, CWDB contracted with the California Policy Lab (CPL), a research institute based at the University of California, to use the CAAL-Skills dataset to produce the Study of Workforce Training Programs in California report.

Workforce Metrics Dashboard Reports

The WMDR utilizes workforce program data to summarize the following:

  • Demographic breakdowns
  • Credential attainment
  • Training completion
  • Degree attainment
  • Employment and earnings
  • Workforce outcomes in selected industry sectors

California Policy Lab Report

The California Policy Lab (CPL) is a research institute based at the University of California and was contracted by CWDB to produce a statistically rigorous impact analysis with the CAAL-Skills dataset. In the report, CPL compares the outcomes of trainees from each partner program to those from an alternative group of individuals who did not receive training but are otherwise similar.

The most current version of the Study of Workforce Training Programs in California from CPL utilizes data from fiscal years 2014-2015 and 2015-2016.